Muslim Funeral Rites
An advanced course from death, bathing, shrouding, burial & post burial rituals.

Islam 4 Teenagers
Such rulings & content that parents feel shy to teach their kids, this course will deliver all that to them, including sensitive topics like pornography, LGBTQ, personal hygiene.

Salah Correction
A comprehensive overview of the Muslim prayer, covering aspects you may not have learnt before. Correct your Salah!

Fiqh Of Ramadan
Going on Umrah take our Umrah course to gain full knowledge to exicute your Umrah in the best of ways.

Marriage Course
For both married & unmarried individuals covering Nikah & Talaq rulings & sexual intimacy.

Taharat - Ritual Purification
Full course related to Istinja, Wudu, Ghusl, Tayamum & shaving.

Travelers Salah
When traveling their are certain changes in Salah & Wudu, what are them changes & the rulings related to when does one become a traveler. Enroll to find out.

Fardh Uloom (1 Year)
Going on Umrah take our Umrah course to gain full knowledge to exicute your Umrah in the best of ways.

A in-depth course covering conditions of Zakat, zakatable goods, calculating Zakat & to whom Zakat can be given.

Imaniyat Islamic Beliefs
An overview of the beliefs related to Allah, the prophets & scriptures & unseen things (angels, Jannah, Jahnum, signs of the day of Qiyamah, death, after-life etc).

Umrah Training
Going on Umrah take our Umrah course to gain full knowledge to exicute your Umrah in the best of ways.

Hub-ul-Islam (2 Year)
Going on Umrah take our Umrah course to gain full knowledge to exicute your Umrah in the best of ways.